Use These Apps To Make Android Easier for Senior Citizens
Planning to buy a new Android smartphone for your parents, but wondering if they can handle it or not? The first solution that pops into the mind is to install lesser apps and increase the font size. But then, what is the point of having a smartphone, if it’s not smart enough. Right? A better solution is to install apps that are made especially for older people. These apps make the interface simpler and bigger. So let’s take a look at some of them. Android apps for Senior Citizens #1 Change your Launcher A good place to start is by using Big Launcher . Go to Play Store and install the app. Once done open the app and set the default language and font size etc. Now to set it up as your default launcher, press the Home button and select Big Launcher free. You’ll see everything looks bigger on your Android. The app simplified the interface by making the font larger and enlarged the icons. However, the free version comes with some limitation. For instan...